Tuesday 6th February 2024 at 7.45pm at Sunnydale Leisure Centre
- Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from: Mark Nichol, Steve Mills, Paul Wragg, Amanda Taylor, Heather Jones, Andrew Kearney, Rob Murdoch, Michael Hole, Kelly Whinham, Kimberley Clay, Julie Turnell, Sam Dixon and Robert Teasdale.
- Minutes of last Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The last AGM was held on Tuesday 7th February 2023. Everyone at the meeting had read the minutes of the last AGM. These were agreed as a true record, proposed by Gerry Hehir and Percy Parkin.
- Election of President and Vice President
Gordon Hope was unanimously re-elected as President and Harry Binyon BEM as Vice-President.
- Chairmans report and election of Chairman
The Chairman’s report had been made available via Crook Ed and would be published on the club’s website. No comments were made. Graham Laverick was unanimously re- elected as Chairman.
- Election of Club Secretary
Danny Oakley was re-elected as Club Secretary and thanked for his work over the past year.
- Treasurers annual report and election of Treasurer
Harry Binyon BEM went through the Statement of Account and there were no questions. The balance reported is available to members to view upon request. The statement of account was circulated to members and agreed by Brad Wight and seconded by Gerry Hehir. Members were asked to always include a reference when using online banking when paying money into the club bank account.
- Election of Men’s Captain
Brad White was re-relected as Men’s Captain and thanked for his work over the past year.
- Election of Men’s Vice Captain
Alex Hird was re-relected as Men’s Captain and thanked for his work over the past year.
- Election of Ladies Captain
Lisa-Marie Donaldson was re-elected as Ladies Captain and thanked for her work over the past year.
- Election of Ladies Vice Captain
Kimberley Clay had tendered her resignation to the committee, she was thanked for her work over the last year. Kate Storey was elected as Ladies Vice Captain, proposed by Geoff Hewitson and seconded by Gerry Hehir.
- Election of Committee
Jayne Henderson, Clare Weir, Sharon Bridge, Sam Dixon, Phil Carter and Robert Teasdale asked to leave the Committee and Caroline Teasdale agreed to serve on the Committee. This was proposed by Sharon Bridge and seconded by George Kenneth Cawkwell. The Committee members were thanked for their work over the past year. Andy Turnell was thanked for his efforts in producing Crook Ed every week. The following agreed to serve on the committee: Geoff Hewitson, Gerry Hehir, Jo Raine, Caroline Teasdale, Andy Turnell, Darren Fairclough and Sarah Fairclough. Colin Everson would continue to be co-ordinator of the junior section.
- Commitment of Committee Members
It was agreed that committee members are required to attend at least one committee meeting throughout the year, and those who don’t will be removed from the committee at the following year’s AGM.
- Subscription Fees 2024
It was agreed that fees would remain the same as 2023, £40.00 for competing members and £20.00 for social members. The cost of one track session would remain at £2.00. If competing members wanted to pay for their membership and track fees upfront, membership would be £95.00 for the year. It would be preferable if members could make their fees payable to the club bank account as soon as possible.
- Report on Juniors
Colin Everson reported on the work he was doing representing the juniors. A full report accompanies these Minutes and will be made available on the club website.
- Club Championships 2024
It was agreed that the Club Championship should run in 2024. If members have any suggestions or modifications to make to the Club Championship they were asked to let Danny Oakley know prior to the next Committee meeting which is being held on Tuesday 5th March 2024.
- Code of Conduct and Club Constitution
All members had signed the Code of Conduct form when they renewed their membership last year. New members will complete this form when they join the club. Members would be asked to sign the code of conduct on the EA website a link would be provided in Crook Ed.
- Any Other Business
The next club social event is the Presentation Evening on Saturday 16th March, taking place at Redworth Hall. The cost of the presentation evening was £25.00 for members (including social members) and £35.00 for non-members. The club are required to get 80 attendees otherwise we might have to pay for room hire. There will be a list of nominations for all club members to vote on with the winners announced on the evening. There is still an opportunity to obtain tickets and names should be given to Sharon Bridge or Lisa Marie Donaldson.