Darlington Harriers Mile Series Event 1 – 27th April

by Mel Riley

The day after the Neptune Relays, Darlington Harriers hosted the first event of their mile series at South Park. The route is basically one lap of the parkrun, finishing at the top of the little (killer!!) hill beside the bowling green. When entering we were asked what our mile time would be so we could be set off in waves with people of similar ability rather than in one group. It had been raining most of the day and the path was very slippery so I took it steady but was still happy with a time of 7:33 given my current lack of fitness.

Other than 2 of the volunteers having an argument over when to start people, with one of them storming off (and some of us being missed altogether!), it was a fairly well organised event, very friendly and inclusive with a lot of junior runners. Now that everyone taking part in the first event has an actual mile time, it should run much more smoothly at the next event.

Next event is Thursday 1st June – I am hoping to attend so if anyone fancies a look out, I am happy to drive.

I was hoping to have a race report for the Run Nation superfast 10k at Ouston Airfield but unfortunately that was postponed (again!) due to being rearranged to 30th April when there was already a lot of other local races in the calendar. Hopefully the events at Ouston scheduled for Wednesday 7th June and Sunday 23rd July will still go ahead.
